Mike Wagstaffe - Director/Producer
Mike Wagstaffe is a writer and director living in Culver City, California, He currently works as a creative producer for Yahoo! Sports where he covered NBA TOP SHOT and ZED RUN, thus beginning this whole trip down the rabbit hole. Before Yahoo! he was a producer on FOOSBALLERS, a story producer on UNDENIABLE WITH DAN PATRICK and a co-producer on SCARY MOVIE 5. Since getting into NFTs in February he has made mostly questionable purchases.

Joe Heslinga - Writer/Producer
Joe Heslinga is a writer, director, producer currently living in Los Angeles. He directed the 2019 feature film FOOSBALLERS (ESPN), about the highly competitive world of professional foosball. Joe has also been a writer on the Netflix comedy F IS FOR FAMILY starring Bill Burr, MR. PICKLES on Adult Swim and SULLIVAN & SON on TBS. Bored Ape 9081 was the first NFT he ever bought.

Logan Cascia - DP/Producer
Logan Cascia is a 6-time Emmy® award–winning director of photography and producer. He has traveled to the most remote parts of the world, in search of stunning visuals to produce premium content for a diverse roster of networks, including ESPN, Disney, National Geographic, NBC Universal and Nightline, among others. He's not really sure about any of this NFT stuff.